More Bibi Language...
Big Jacket Bibi
Our Bibi, or Fruitbat as Spikey calls him nowadays due to the permanent requests to be carried upside down by his feet, has just recovered from his first real bout of illness.
Glandular fever saw the little guy really down and out for about 5 whole days with fevers as high as 39.8 degrees Celcius. All involved with him over this period were naturally really stressed and poor Mommy (Yovie Deawest) had a really hard time coping.
Exceedingly difficult to see the little bundle of energy - where DOES he get it from!? - just lying there. Thank goodness that has now passed and he is back to his normal self.
Which means to say talking like a grammaphone, running, playing and, let us not forget, jumping on his new trampoline every chance he gets! And pushing his limits, and mommy and daddy's limits, all the time! Oh, and the ever present "WHY?". Eish...
So, a couple more endearing Bibi'isms:
Scissor - cutter
Spaghetti - entetti
Ice cream - ice tweam
Aeroplane - heliplane
And this weeks favourite:
Boereworsroll - woewewoswoll!