Various shots of our Hero in action

Milkshake - breakfast with Granny and Grandpa - got that action down to a fine art. The straw at just the right angle. The ears on both sides of the head and focused on the glass. Eyes somewhat glassy and faraway looking. The fingers gripping but not too hard. The milkshake level going down at a steady rate of knots. People looking on expectantly. And then... YES! The SLURP! Followed soon after by the SLAP (if mommy is close by!)

Spider Man. No man, the front guys is Pwince William - check me out with the red and blue suit, scaling a 700 meter tall coffee table. Cool huh?

Bike riding. Notice the two lighter lines behind me? Wheelspinning. Don't tell Gwampa!!! What? Well the wheels are BLUE dude - course they don't make black spin marks!


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