Second ever big school report fo our dude - June 2011

SCORES - 1 = Not Achieved. 2 = Partially Achieved. 3 = Achieved. 4 = Outstanding.

LITERACY - Milestones covered in Term 2 - Dylan's Mark: 3

Talks about personal experiences using correct sequence.
Builds up words using sounds learnt.
Recognises at least 50 sight words.
Begins to build own word bank to build basic sentences.
Consolidation test.

COMMENT - Dylan likes to share his news (Oh we know!). He makes good use of phonetical kills in reading and writing. He must keep up the good work.

NUMERACY - Dylan's Mark: 3

Counting: 0 to 50, 2's to 30, 5's to 100, 10's to 100 and back.
Is able to add and subtract single digit numbers on a number line.
Doubles and halves numbers 1 to 10.
Records information on a graph.
Identifies odd and even numbers 1 tot 10.
Identifies concept before and after.
Consolidation test.

COMMENT - He has mastered the basic concepts well.

LIFE ORIENTATION - Dylan's Mark: 3

Identifies safe and unsafe situations.
Understands why school rules need to be followed.
Shows respect for living things.
Consolidation test.


Push ups (best of 10) - Gaining confidence
Sit ups (best of 10) - Competent
Shuttle runs (1 minute) - Competent
Star jumps (best of 10) - Competent

GENERAL COMMENT - Dylan is somewhat reluctant to accept classroom rules and discipline. He is a good messenger and conveys messages correctly. He must try to keep his work space tidy. His work is neat and it is a pleasure to have him in the class.

There we go, his second ever school report.

Well, happiness abound with his school marks, of course. After a difficult beginning we reckon Our Dude has settled in nicely. He did get a good talking to from The Parents about that reluctance to accept rules and discipline in the class I can tell you! But we know he will get that sorted too. All in all, well done dude - we love you. Yes yes, even Spikes loves you you schmuck!


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