School report September 2012, Term 3 - Glenstantia Primary School
The Dude had a very very good report this term, with no less than 3 distinctions out of the 4 areas they are tested on during the year. Brilliantly done young man - we are all very proud of your hard work.
If not for the lowly 2 scored for Handwriting, it would have been 4 out of 4. Hmmm. But we still love you!
Scores -
2 = Elementary Achievement : 30 - 39% (oops)
5 = Substantial Achievement : 60 - 69%
6 = Meritorious Achievement : 70 - 79%
7 = Outstanding Achievement : 80 - 100%
Listening & Speaking - 7
Reading - 7
Phonics - 7
Handwriting - 2 (the lesson is - don't write like Spikey does dude!)
Writing - 5
Average - 6
Numbers, Operations & Relations - 7
Patterns, Functions & Algebra - 5
Space & Shape - 6
Measurement - 7
Data Handling - 6
Average - 7
Luister & Praat - 7
Klanke - 7
Skryfwerk & Taalstruktuur - 7
Average - 7
Beginning Knowledge - 7
Personal & Social Wellbeing - 7
Average - 7
Skipping Rope - Gaining Confidence
Rhythm - Gaining Confidence
Tennis - Gaining Confidence
"Dylan is a bright boy who has a passion for life,. He is enthusiastic in class, always getting involved in group activities and whole class activities. He enthusiastically shares opinions with others. (OH YES HE DOES!) he has done well academically, however could improve if he becomes motivated to produce his best work. He must continue to watch his fine motor skills. Dylan has a passion for reading which is a pleasure to see. He must keep it up! Dylan has done well in his maths. He grasps new concepts with ease and transfers them to a wide number range well. He is working in a number range up tom and beyond 100. Keep up the good work!"
Well done you beautiful youngster!
We all love you.
If not for the lowly 2 scored for Handwriting, it would have been 4 out of 4. Hmmm. But we still love you!
Scores -
2 = Elementary Achievement : 30 - 39% (oops)
5 = Substantial Achievement : 60 - 69%
6 = Meritorious Achievement : 70 - 79%
7 = Outstanding Achievement : 80 - 100%
Listening & Speaking - 7
Reading - 7
Phonics - 7
Handwriting - 2 (the lesson is - don't write like Spikey does dude!)
Writing - 5
Average - 6
Numbers, Operations & Relations - 7
Patterns, Functions & Algebra - 5
Space & Shape - 6
Measurement - 7
Data Handling - 6
Average - 7
Luister & Praat - 7
Klanke - 7
Skryfwerk & Taalstruktuur - 7
Average - 7
Beginning Knowledge - 7
Personal & Social Wellbeing - 7
Average - 7
Skipping Rope - Gaining Confidence
Rhythm - Gaining Confidence
Tennis - Gaining Confidence
"Dylan is a bright boy who has a passion for life,. He is enthusiastic in class, always getting involved in group activities and whole class activities. He enthusiastically shares opinions with others. (OH YES HE DOES!) he has done well academically, however could improve if he becomes motivated to produce his best work. He must continue to watch his fine motor skills. Dylan has a passion for reading which is a pleasure to see. He must keep it up! Dylan has done well in his maths. He grasps new concepts with ease and transfers them to a wide number range well. He is working in a number range up tom and beyond 100. Keep up the good work!"
Well done you beautiful youngster!
We all love you.