Dylan's first ever holiday without The Parentals - 6 to 9 October 2016

The Dude got a tremendous gift when his friend Marco's parents invited him to go with on their short break to Mpumalanga, which included a night in the Kruger National Park. 

To say he was exited would be putting it mildly - it was awesome to see the young lad getting so hyped. And of course hearing his adventures upon his return. He still hasn't washed Spikey's car. 

Just saying. 

They got away a lot later than originally planned, so they only arrived at Sabi River Sun Resort just outside Hazyview on the R536 road towards Sabie late that evening. Hungry like the proverbial Hungry Almost Teenagers, they ate before doing anything else.

The two young adventurers shared a room with Marco's parents. Dylan was carefully instructed NOT to fart, even silently. Coz we care. 

Quite the fancy room it was too - it even had walls. 

And a stove! Or something. Maybe that's a fancy fish tank??? With a drawer. Probably to get the fish to breath easier. That's innovative!
Needless to say the swimming pool got lots of loving attention by the two heroes of the story.

The world famous Kruger National Park - still the most awesome destination in South Africa. This is the bust of Paul Kruger, the ZAR president way back then who proclaimed this part of SA to be a reserve for the animals. Thanks Oom Paul! He really needs beard oil. 

In the park they drove around quite a bit - and stopped at Skukuza rest camp, popped in at Lower Sabie rest camp and slept in Pretoriuskop rest camp. The next day they cruised around some more and left the park again via Kruger gate, back to Hazyview for a last night at Sabi River Sun. Quite the adventure I tell you! they ended up seeing not one, not two but THREE leopards! Different ones - not the same one three times ok? Ok! Wild dog, rhino, giraffe, lots of different buck, hippo, elephant - no lions though. Which is perfectly fine - part of the fun of going to the Kruger IS the excitement every day of what you will or will not end up seeing. Being a national park, animals roam fee and one is never ensured of a sighting - and it this way every great sighting is a blessing.

Entering the Kruger Gate of the park - of course by now the two dudes had to be handcuffed to the seats to keep them from jumping out and saying hallo  to the first elephant they saw! Luckily they didn't - because no elephants got hurt in the process. 

On the way to Kruger gate

On the way to Krug.... oh, we said that already. 

Hardly in the park and they saw wild dog and hyenas - how cool is that! 

A lucky elephant. Lucky because the two adventurers were handcuffed to the seats so they couldn't go say hi!

Lots of ellies - Mom's favourite. 

Rhino - so beautiful with their horns. 

Probably the most prolific animal in the park - the MacDonalds Buck. 

Another buck, just bigger. A lot bigger. With weird horns growing from it's mouth. Strange ne!

Ellies sizing up a tree. They push those over often to get at the juicy leaves. 

On the way back after a fabulous holiday they cruised down the Schoemanskloof road - the R539 - which takes you past this well known landmark at Old Joe's Kaia. The people in the valley, and specifically the people from Old Joe's Kaia, repaint this stone about once a year in a different scheme every time to keep it interesting. 


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