Bibi's Pre-School Progress Report (23 November 2007)
The Little Dude's first year end report card:
Millennium Kids Montessori Pre-School
Directresses: Elize and Jermina Principal: J. Engelbrecht
General Health:
Dylan is a healthy little boy who enjoys playing with his friends.
Eating enough - Enjoys food. (Hmmm, there are times around the dinner table when I am CERTAIN Mommy and Daddy would like to dispute this fact!)
He is not eating with his spoon enough though.
Sleeping Habits:
He struggles to fall asleep but eventually sleeps.
Amount of hours sleeping per day: 1 and a half hours.
Toilet Routine:
He hardly wears nappies anymore! Potty training is going really well! (Mommy and Daddy are really proud of him!)
Gross Motor Skills / Outdoor Play:
He does Climbing, Running and Jumping - Enjoys running and climbing.
Kicks a ball - well coordinated, enjoys ball games.
Roll a ball - yes
Throw a ball - yes
Catch a ball - yes - struggles to catch still.
Balance apparatus - yes - good sense of balance.
Playground equipment - yes - Loves outdoor equipment.
Walking on a line - no - Dylan tends to walk on his toes.
Fine Motor Skills:
Uncontrolled scribble - no
Controlled scribble - yes - developing well.
Naming scribble - yes - naming is good.
Tear paper - yes - he can tear.
Arts & Crafts activities - yes - enjoys art and craft activities.
Puzzles - yes - Prepared to tackle difficult puzzles.
Single words - no
Incomplete sentences - no
Complete sentences - yes - he uses complete sentences (Bibi will talk your ears off, just give him half a chance!)
Clear - yes - clear and expressive.
Interested in books - yes - loves books and stories (oh yes he does!)
Naming pictures - yes - Naming and pronunciation good.
Respond to music - yes - enjoys music. (VERY MUCH!)
Responds to songs - yes - sings with great gusto. (De La Rey in shopping malls at the top of his voice is a good example!)
Dance / movement - yes - Moves freely.
Recognise simple songs and rhymes - yes - very good.
Numeric concepts - yes - counts to 15 and 20 with help.
Montessori apparatus - yes - enjoys the challenge of trying new techniques.
Emotional / Social development:
Emotions during the day - Good.
Seperation in the morning - Struggles sometimes.
Crying/happy during the day - very happy during the day. (Very happy 99% of the time!)
Independence and confidence:
Interested in environment and apparatus - enjoys the environment and apparatus.
Willingness to do activities independently - He is very independant.
Interaction with directresses - Interacts well with teachers and shares special news.
Interaction with other children - interacts well with other children.
Dylan is happy at school and he enjoys playing with his friends. He loves class activities. It was a pleasure to have him in our class. (Comment by Teacher)
That is it! Well done Bibi, you seem to have adapted well. Mommy and Daddy and Granny and Grampa (and Spikey!) are all VERY proud of you!
You are loved.